Thursday, August 2, 2012

Did I Ever Mention How Great Yoga and Exercise Can Make You Feel????

You ever do a really hard workout, only to experience much higher levels of energy and improved mood afterwards?  Well that's because exercise causes a release of endorphines and other hormones that simply make us feel good.  I just read an article relating to yoga and it pointed out that even after one session of yoga, the body will release an increase of serotonin and dopamine (hormones that make us feel great). 

Exercise causes the body to release the same hormones that drugs can synthetically cause.... I guess it's no suprise then how people get so "hooked" on fitness :)  Sorry I couldn't help myself there.  But seriously I've even read that exercise is more effective at reducing depression in people than antidepressant medications!

So if you need another reason to exercise, here you go!

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