The thing about this statement is it is absolutely true! The power that went into the creation of your
body, has the power to heal your body.
If you stop and think about it literally, the human body, mind, and
spirit as a collective are nothing short of miraculous. The name for this amazing power that exists
in each of us is Innate Intelligence and as we move forward in this reading, I
will begin to refer to it by this name.
To fully illustrate just how powerful that Innate Intelligence is, and just how miraculous each and every one of us truly are, let’s discuss the development of a human being. We all began life as the union of two incomplete cells, an egg cell from our mother and a sperm cell from our father. Now the sheer likelihood of this union alone is pretty unfavorable at best, yet somehow the particular sperm cell made its way to the particular egg cell that eventually led to the formation of one complete cell that became you! No pairing of any other sperm and egg cell would have resulted in OUR individual life, so that alone is pretty amazing. So now we have the complete cell with the 46 chromosomes necessary for life and in essence, this is the very beginning of life, at least as we know it. Now here is the thing, nothing had to specifically and consciously tell the sperm and egg cells what to do, it simply just happened right? Well not really, you see this process is made possible via Innate Intelligence. Even simple cells in our body contain this inborn power and it is necessary in order for life to exist.
To fully illustrate just how powerful that Innate Intelligence is, and just how miraculous each and every one of us truly are, let’s discuss the development of a human being. We all began life as the union of two incomplete cells, an egg cell from our mother and a sperm cell from our father. Now the sheer likelihood of this union alone is pretty unfavorable at best, yet somehow the particular sperm cell made its way to the particular egg cell that eventually led to the formation of one complete cell that became you! No pairing of any other sperm and egg cell would have resulted in OUR individual life, so that alone is pretty amazing. So now we have the complete cell with the 46 chromosomes necessary for life and in essence, this is the very beginning of life, at least as we know it. Now here is the thing, nothing had to specifically and consciously tell the sperm and egg cells what to do, it simply just happened right? Well not really, you see this process is made possible via Innate Intelligence. Even simple cells in our body contain this inborn power and it is necessary in order for life to exist.
So back
to the story, this now complete cell that is ultimately the fully grown adult
or almost grown reader, begins to divide over and over again until we become an
embryo composed of more and more complete cells that begin to form into all the
different parts of our body. Our organs,
our blood cells, the bone of our skeletal system, our fingernails, and every
other part of who we are, all develop from that original, single complete
cell. The miraculous thing is, you never
had to stop for a second and think about or tell these processes to occur
thanks to Innate Intelligence. Even
after birth, we continue to develop until we become an adult. And prior to birth, the Innate Intelligence
present in our mother’s is responsible for ensuring that we in the embryonic
stage receive the oxygen, nutrients, and hormones necessary for our
development. So there is a harmonious
union of our mother’s and our own Innate Intelligence.
Intelligence does not cease to exist once we are fully developed adults and
this is important to keep in mind. All
of the processes that are occurring inside of our bodies that we never have to
consciously think about, yet are vital to life, are occurring because of the
power of Innate Intelligence, and thankfully so! Our heart beats, we fill our lungs with
oxygen and expel unusable gases, our eyes blink so they do not dry out, our
digestive systems works to breakdown foods into usable nutrients, our muscles
fire in specific sequences so that we can maintain balance when walking and
countless other processes of life are happening all at once without a single
conscious thought on our part. With all
of this in mind, I think we all can certainly agree that this Innate
Intelligence stuff is not only pretty special, but also amazingly powerful.
We have covered the first aspect of the statement made in the title of this Chapter, so now it is time to focus on how Innate Intelligence has the power to heal our bodies. Perhaps one of the simplest ways to explain this is to think about a cut on our hand. For the sake of this illustration we will say it is a superficial cut that requires no medical attention. So we first go and wash off the cut with cool water and we then put a small bandage over the wound and within a few minutes, we forget about the cut all together unless we bump it on something and our brain receives some pain signals from our hand saying, “hey watch it!!!!!” Next thing we know in a few days, we take the bandage off and now the cut has began to heal over. No longer is it sensitive and we can see that new skin has formed over the wound and we are almost as good as new. Now was it the bandage that was responsible for the healing of the cut that took place? Of course not, it was our very own body. And guess what? We never for a second had to think about healing this cut, our body simply new exactly what to do from the moment we first received the cut. The healing process began immediately as our blood cells began to clot at the site of the cut, and from there the body began to send the nutrients and products necessary for new skin to form over the cut.
couple other examples of Innate Intelligence at work are first let’s say that
we go outside for a run on a hot summer afternoon. Now pretty quickly into our run, our body
temperature begins to rise. If we do not
do something about this increase in body temperature, some pretty serious and
pretty bad things can happen including death.
So our body’s response to this is to activate the sweat glands in our
skin and we begin to sweat which works to cool our body and to allow us to
maintain a safe body temperature and therefore hopefully, we do not die from
running! Another example of Innate
Intelligence is when we have a broken bone.
We more than likely go to the emergency room and the doctor there sets
the bone back into place. Pretty soon
the bone heals and we are back to normal.
Now it is not the doctor setting the bone back in place that actually
leads to healing, it is the Innate Intelligence of the individual that does the
healing. The doctor puts the bone into
proper alignment so that when the body heals the bone, it does so in the proper
are very simple examples of how Innate Intelligence is at work in our body, yet
there is a very important point that I want to add here. Innate Intelligence is always at work inside each and every one of us, striving to
maintain our level of function at 100 percent.
This is the true role of Innate Intelligence, to maintain the function
of the body. This is the case in all
living things. When we are functioning
as designed, there is no dysfunction present in the body, all systems are go,
and we therefore are expressing 100 percent health. Innate Intelligence is working overtime to
make certain that we are in a state of homeostasis or balance.
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