Garlic is a pretty amazing food in terms of health boosting properties and in my opinion a delicious way to spice up almost any lunch or dinner meal! One thing that I want to point out prior to discussing the benefits is that it is important to eat garlic in its raw form if possible. Cooking can destroy some of the antioxidants and enzymes responsible for its benefits. Here are just some of the many health benefits associated with garlic:
- Garlic is linked to a reduction in stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.
- Garlic can help in the prevention of colon cancer and in the event of cancer cells being present, garlic has been shown to prevent the growth and spreading of these cancer cells.
- Garlic has anti-clotting properties and can therefore reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.
- Garlic has been shown to help reduce blood pressure.
- Because of its high antioxidant properties, Garlic can protect the body from the damage of free radicals.
- Garlic can help to reduce inflammation in the body (which is a known cause of disease and other ailments)
- Garlic can help increase immune system health.
- Garlic is a natural anti-viral and antibacterial agent and can help in combating the symptoms of the cold and flu.
- Some studies link Garlic to a reduction in the risk of developing prostate cancer.
- Some preliminary research has found support for garlic aiding in the regulation of fat cell production in the body.
- Garlic can help reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in our blood.
If you aren’t currently consuming garlic, there is a plethora of research out there to support the need to do so in order to live a Wellness Based Lifestyle! So eat up!!!!
Stay Focused and Happy Training Y’all!