Friday, May 3, 2013

Show the Younger Generations the Importance of Exercise!

One of the most important things that we as parents and adults can do for our children and the younger generations is to teach them the importance of physical activity.  With the fact that 1 in 3 Americans are currently obese and 1 out of 4 Americans live a sedentary lifestyle, now more than ever it is apparent that we must get out and get active!  More and more children each year are being classified as obese and the best way to get our kids up and moving is to lead by example. 
I’ve been competing as an amateur triathlete for several years now and a couple of years back, I invited my oldest daughter (who was 8 at the time) to a local 5K race that I was competing in.  This was her first experience with the incredible atmosphere that exists at a charity race of this type, and seeing all the spectators cheer on the runners was incredibly inspiring to her.  Without saying anything to me afterwards that day about how it motivated her, she went out on her own and joined the Girls on the Run program at her school.  This program, if you aren’t familiar with it, is a school based running group for girls in the 3rd through 5th grades that prepare them to run in two 5k races per season.  They have two seasons per school year, one in the fall and the other in the spring.  They also teach the girls about healthy nutrition and issues that they’ll face as young women in middle school and beyond.  Great, great program to say the least!  My daughter mentioned to me later that when I told her I would be running over 3 miles on that day, she thought that was an impossible distance for her to ever be able to do, yet it lit a spark of determination in her (gotta admit that really makes me proud to see her old man rubbed off on her a little bit).  Tomorrow, my daughter and I will be running in her 8th 5k race to date and chasing our Team Weaver PR of under the 40 minute mark!  By my daughter showing her family and friends that through dedication and training, running a 3.1 mile race is not only imaginable, but completely possible, she’s inspired some of them to train with her and sign up for a 5k! 
So get out and get active with your children!  Show them that physical activity is important and that it is a part of your daily routine.  Discuss healthy nutrition with them, talk about why vitamins and minerals are important, and show them that you too drink lots of water each day!  Not only will you help them to live a healthier lifestyle now and as an adult, you’ll also gain the health benefits of Wellness Based Living for yourself in the process.

Stay Focused and Happy Training Y’all!!!!!

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