Friday, May 31, 2013

Ahhhhh Spring!

Well bye-golly I think Spring is finally here to stay in my part of the country!  It took awhile, I mean there were days this month that a freeze warning was "in effect" (in effect sounds like a line from an 80's hip hop tune) and other days that the high was somewhere only in the 40's.  We've gotten tons of rain here in Asheville, NC and I really went through a down spell in terms of training because of the weather.  Typically by this time of year my training is centered around outdoor runs and bike rides and now finally I can say that I haven't been on the treadmill in a couple of week :)  So seriously y'all, use this warm weather to get out and get moving!!!!!  Nothing feels better than being outside in the sun, soaking up some rays, producing some mood-enhancing vitamin D and just feeling ALIVE! 

I was asked the other day what I would type of exercise routine that I would recommend for an overweight 50 something male that hates to exercise?  Simple: GET MOVING!  Find something active that you enjoy and get started.  The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, 5 days per week.  They don't say how you should go about getting in your 30 minutes, so I am telling you to simply get your body moving.  If you like riding a bike, Great!  There you go, get on your bike and get riding!  Same thing with hiking, gardening, or any other physical activity that you can get your heart rate up for the duration of the activity.  As you progress in your level of fitness, you can alway begin adding more structured exercise routines into the mix if you choose, but early on, keep it simple and keep moving forward!

Stay Focused and Happy Training Y'all!!!!!

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