Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Yoga Pose for the Day is...............

Shoulder Stand

This Posture is all about building core and leg strength, while going into an inversion that you can easily hold for a nice period of time, and gain all the benefits of an inversion (getting oxygen rich blood flow to the upper extremities and head, while reversing gravitational pull on the lower extremities for the duration of the posture). Begin by laying flat on you back, then slowly lift the leg and bring them towards your chest as if you were going into Plow Pose, at which you'll bring your elbows by your side, at approximately shoulder distance apart (slightly wider if needed), while supporting the lower back with the hands to lock in the position as you straighten the legs towards the ceiling.  Point your toes upward as well and focus on shooting the energy right out of the toes and up to the sky.  You'll work towards lifting the body up with the core and legs.  Hold the posture for 5 to 10 deep and slow inhalations/exhalations.  Some folks in the beginning can benefit from folding a blanket and placing it under the shoulders to create a lift, while lessening some of the pressure on the shoulders that you experience in the pose.

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