Saturday, February 9, 2013

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many ailments and while some of the health claims associated with ACV have not scientifically researched and substantiated, others have.  There are literally countless personal testimonials of the amazing healthy benefits that daily consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar presents.  ACV is produced by fermenting apples and breaking down the sugars with bacteria and yeast.  The first stage of fermentation turns the sugars into alcohol, and the second stage ferments the apples even further, which turns the product into vinegar.  Not all ACV’s are created equally, which is important to keep in mind when purchasing it.  Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is the variety that you should look for such as Bragg’s Brand Raw Organic Apple Cider (pictured above).  It is important to note that the white variety of ACV does not offer the same health benefits and the raw brown type.  White vinegar has been distilled, which in essence eliminates the beneficial properties of the vinegar.  Raw and organic brown apple cider vinegar contains what it called the “mother of vinegar” which is a mass of living bacteria and other nutrients that gives the vinegar its healing properties.  The “mother” is sometimes referred to as a mushroom (although it isn’t really one) and is similar to those nutrient masses found in kiefer and kombucha beverages. 
Perhaps the most important benefit that apple cider vinegar offers is its ability to restore the body’s alkaline/acid balance.  The blood in our bodies has a slightly alkaline pH level and many of the foods that we consume in the United States are acid producing, which in turn decreases the alkalinity of our bodies.  Acid producing foods include meat, dairy and corn products among others.  Acid producing foods also lead to decreased energy levels, increased mucous production, irritability, infections, inflammation, congestion, allergies, gout and arthritis.  Consuming as little as 2 teaspoons of ACV has been shown to have an alkalinizing effect on the body.
Some of the beneficial ingredients found in ACV include potassium, pectin (reduces LDL cholesterol), ash (responsible for the alkaline properties), calcium, malic acid (helps increase resistance to bacteria, viruses and fungus) and acetic acid (helps regulate blood sugar levels, therefore making it beneficial for those with diabetes).
Apple cider vinegar helps with reducing bad cholesterol as mentioned and has also been linked to a reduction in blood pressure.  Several research studies have found ACV to reduce risk of esophageal cancer.  ACV has disinfectant properties and soaking a cloth in apple cider vinegar then applying it to sunburn can help reduce pain.  There is also a link to ACV and weight loss and the current theory behind this is vinegar's ability to help us feel fuller while consuming less food.  ACV is used to counteract the effects of jelly fish stings.
Keep in mind that apple cider vinegar can interact with some medications, so if you currently take over-the-counter or prescription medications, speak with your healthcare provider prior to beginning an ACV regimen.  Otherwise, apple cider vinegar offers some amazing health benefits and certainly worth considering.  Remember as little as 2 teaspoons added to a glass of water has been shown to greatly increase health!

Stay Focused and Happy Training Y’all!!!!!
“Apple Cider Vinegar.”
“10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.”  2007.
“The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar” Dr. Edward Group, III DC.  2008.

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