Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why We Need More Water

The single most important substance that we as living beings need for life is water.  Water is necessary in every single bodily function from breathing to blinking our eyes.  Each of our cells contain water and without an adequate supply, they dry out and die.  Our total body weight is made up of approximately 70% water.  To break it down even further, our blood is 90% water, our muscles are 75% water, the brain is 95% water and our lungs are approximately 90% water. 

The are many health benefits of regular water consumption.  A research study conducted by Loma Linda University found that people drinking five 8 ounce glasses of water per day are 50% less likely to die of heart disease, compared to people drinking 2 glasses or less per day. 

Water aids the body in it's ability to regulate temperature.  We perspire when our body temperature rises as a natural means of bringing the body temperature down.  Water also assists us in maintaining a healthy pH balance in the body.  Ideally, our body's pH level should around 7 or slightly above.  If the body's pH levels become acidic, the likelihood of sickness and vitamin deficiency increase substantially.  In addition to regular consumption of water, taking a 1 to 2 ounce shot of apple cider vinegar daily can help make the body's pH level more alkaline.  (I will discuss the benefits of apple cider vinegar in another blog soon)

Water is necessary for digestion and is needed for the absorption of vitamins and minerals.  Water also helps us to metabolize body fat and in recovering from exercise and physical activity.  Water helps with brain functioning and circulation, as well as lubricating the joints.

So exactly how much water do we need on a daily basis?  The answer is contingent on many factors including level of physical activity, environment, overall health and sex.  Some simple guidelines are:

-The International Kidney Stone Institute recommends 10 glasses (2 liters) a day to prevent kidney stones.

-The Institute of Medicine recommends pregnant women drink 2.3 liters per day and breast feeding women drink at least 3.1 liters per day.  They also recommend that men consume 3 liters a day and women 2.2 liters daily. 

Remember to increase water consumption when sick (especially if you have a fever), when exercising and when in a hot environment. 

An easy way to determine if you are getting enough water is you should be producing approximately 6 cups (1.5 liters) of colorless to light yellow urine per day.


Fitness: The Complete Guide. Dr. Frederick Hatfield. Ed. 8.6.6. 2011.

Health Benefits of Drinking Water.

Water: How much should you drink everyday? Mayo Clinic Staff.

Benefit of Drinking Water. The importance of drinking water for the body.

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