Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Holiday Battle of the Bulge!

So the Holidays are here and if you are like me, I am sure you totally stuffed yourself over the last several days (Thanksgiving and leftovers) so now more than ever it’s important that we up our activity level in order to avoid adding unwanted weight.  The thing to keep in mind is regardless of the types of calories that you consume, be it from cake or carrots, can lead to weight gain of there exists a surplus of calories in your diet.  Obviously foods with sugars and simple carbohydrates have an easier time being converted and stored as body fat, so it’s even more important that we limit these foods. 
So here is some encouraging news: even walking has some pretty substantial health benefits.  Walking for 20 minutes burns 100 calories and can help you lose up to 16 pounds per year if you walk daily (given that you don’t increase the number of calories that you consume).  Walking 30 minutes a day can help you burn 160 calories and up to 35 pounds per year.  It also reduces your risk of cancer, heart disease and Type-II diabetes.  All of that, just from walking 20-30 minutes a day!  So even if you’re traveling for the Holidays or the gym is closed, you can get out and walk just about anywhere!  Some other simple exercises that you can do while traveling included burpees, jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches, sit-ups, triceps dips, lunges, leg lifts, and plank just to name a few.  Get creative and put together a simple 15 minute routine that you can do in addition to walking and you really can scorch some of those Holiday calories you consume!

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